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How to Make a Poll in Google Forms (6 Steps)

Last Updated: Wed Jun 12 2024

In 6 simple steps, this guide will show you how to make a poll in Google Forms. Google Form doesn’t have a template for polling. You have to start from scratch. So let’s dive in!


  • Open Google Forms
  • Name Your Poll and Add a Description
  • Add Your Poll Questions
  • Customize Your Poll’s Appearance
  • Configure Your Poll Settings
  • Preview, Share, and Collect Responses

Step 1: Open Google Forms

To kick things off, navigate to Google Forms and sign in if you haven't already. Select the ‘Blank’ template to start with a fresh form.

red arrow pointing to ‘Blank’ template in google forms

Step 2: Name Your Poll and Add a Description

Click on the “Untitled Form” field at the top to give your poll a name, e.g., “Favorite Programming Language”.

red arrow pointing to untitled form field

Below the title, add a brief description to inform participants about the poll's purpose.

red arrow pointing to form description

Step 3: Add Your Poll Questions

Click on the “+” button on the right to add your first question.

red arrow pointing to add question button

Type your question in the question field.

red arrow pointing to untitled question field

To select the type of question, click on the drop down arrow on the right of the question.

Start with “Multiple choice” for a basic poll option.

red arrow pointing to type of question dropdown arrow

Enter the response options for your poll question.

red arrow pointing to option 1

If you are okay with allowing the participant to add their custom answer, click on the “Add Other” option to allow it.

red rectangular pointing to add other


3 Advanced Question Types for Nuanced Feedback (Optional)

In Google Forms, you have the flexibility to go beyond simple multiple-choice questions. Here’s how you can use advanced question types to make your poll more insightful:

1. Linear Scale

Linear Scale allows respondents to rate a statement or question on a predefined scale. It's perfect for gauging intensity or frequency, providing a clear picture of how your audience feels about a particular topic.

How to Set Up: Select "Linear Scale" from the question type dropdown. Define the scale (for instance, 1 to 5) and optionally add labels for the lowest and highest values, such as "Least Favorite" and "Most Favorite" for a programming language preference question.

Example Use: "On a scale of 1 to 5, how comfortable are you using [Programming Language]?"

red arrow pointing to linear scale in question type

And this is how the question will look to the participant:

linear scale question in respondent view

2. Multiple Choice Grid

Multiple Choice Grid lets you ask respondents to evaluate multiple items against the same set of criteria. It's useful for comparing several options side-by-side without creating a lengthy series of individual questions.

How to Set Up: Choose "Multiple choice grid" from the question type options. Enter your row labels (the items to be compared, such as different programming languages) and column labels (the criteria, such as ease of learning, efficiency, etc.).

Example Use: "Please rate the following programming languages based on your preference for learning. (1 = Prefer least, 5 = Prefer most)"

red arrow pointing to multiple choice grid in question type

And this is how the question will look to the participant:

Multiple choice grid question in respondent view

3. Checkbox Grid

Checkbox Grid operates similarly to the Multiple Choice Grid but allows respondents to select multiple options per row. This type is beneficial when you want to know all the applicable choices for each criterion.

How to Set Up: Select "Checkbox grid" from the new question dropdown. Input your criteria as rows and the options as columns.

red arrow pointing to checkbox grid in question type

And this is how the question will look to the participant:

Checkbox grid question in respondent view

Step 4: Customize Your Poll’s Appearance

Honestly, Google Form doesn’t offer you much to customize. At the end of the day, it’s a free tool. Although let me show you the ones that most people customize for their polls appearance.

1. You can change the theme of the poll. Click on the palette icon in the top right to choose any theme options according to your poll.

red arrow pointing to the palette icon to customize the form

2. Choose a color or upload a photo for the header image to match your brand or poll theme.

red arrow pointing to choose header image and another red arrow pointing to color sets

3. Select a font style that aligns with your aesthetic.

three red arrows respectively pointing to header, question and text font

Step 5: Configure Your Poll Settings

There are not many settings that you can adjust for better response results. But let me show you what are the helpful ones which can become handy.

1. In the “Settings” tab, under “Responses”, set “Collect email addresses” to “Do not collect” for anonymous responses. This might encourage people to take part.

red arrow pointing to settings tab and another red arrow pointing to do not collect email address field

2. You can customize the confirmation message by switching to the “Presentation” tab.

red arrow pointing to confirmation message edit button in Presentation tab

Step 6: Preview, Share, and Collect Responses

Click on the eye icon to preview your poll. Here you should QA the form that will appear in front of respondents. Make sure everything looks perfect!

red arrow pointing to eye icon to preview the form

If everything is okay, share your poll by clicking ‘Send’ at the top.

red arrow pointing to send button

Choose between email, link sharing, or embedding form in your website. However you want to share.

three red arrows respectively pointing to email icon, link icon and website icon

And you have created a simple but nice looking poll in Google Form for your target audience.



Analyze Poll Results for Insights

To analyze poll results for insights, view responses in the “Responses” tab, where Google Forms conveniently charts your data, giving you immediate visual insights into your poll results.

red arrow pointing to responses tab

You can view the response data in Google Sheets also. On the “Responses” tab and you’ll see the “View in Sheets” option. It's a nice feature that Google Forms has.

red arrow pointing to google sheet icon

Advanced Tips for Poll Success

A/B Testing: Create two versions of your poll with slight variations to compare results.

Custom Branding: Use your organization's colors and logo for a professional look.

Data Privacy: Assure participants of their privacy to encourage honesty.

Follow-up Actions: Consider sending thank-you emails or sharing results to engage your audience further.

By following these detailed steps and incorporating advanced features, you’ll create a poll that’s not only functional but also engaging and insightful. Dive into Google Forms with confidence and make your poll a valuable tool for gathering the feedback or insights you need.
